The new kid on the block of paranormal shows, Ghost Stalkers premiered Sunday 10/19. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the showing by good friend and Paranormal Researcher, David Rountree. It was held at the Marley’s Gotham Bar and Grill in Hackettstown NJ and all attendees were in for a real treat. Ghost Stalkers stars actor Chad Lindberg who also starred in The Fast and Furious and October Sky and John E.L Tenney, paranormal expert, author and lecturer who both had near death experiences when they were young. Since then, Chad has possessed a keen awareness and sensitivity to the paranormal, something that becomes all too eerily apparent in this first episode. The show features cutting edge technology developed by David that measures wormholes, usually associated with the occurrence of portals in which paranormal activity occurs. This cutting edge show has downright chilling moments while providing what could be scientific proof of how spirits actually manifest in the physical realm. Chad provided some genuinely scary moments as he attempted to make contact with a negative entity in this first episode filmed at Whispers Estate in Mitchell, Indiana. The crowd at Marley’s was riveted to say the least. Even the bartender, who initially seemed nonchalant, was a little freaked out by the entity’s activity caught by the Ghost Stalkers. Needless to say, I will be tuning in Sundays at 10pm!