I just did a beautiful phone reading for a sweet woman out in California who lost her husband….He came through with flying colors describing to me how he loved her lovely legs… and she confirmed this!! I guess he still thinks she’s a hottie!
It never ceases to amaze me how spirits can get just the precise message across to prove to a loved one that it is indeed them that are communicating. I mean, let’s face it, anyone can tell you that your mom, dad etc loves you and is watching over you. But when a medium communicates a specific event, unique physical trait or habit or something that the deceased and loved one only knew of, well, then you are experiencing what I feel is a bonafide spirit communication. Needless to say, my client was very amused that her husband still thought her legs were shapely…even though she confessed they were skinny and not much to look at…..well, he thought otherwise.